With an understanding of the crucial elements to success, you may be asking yourself; how do I cover these with limited time, resources and experience in any or all of the topics? We’ll come back to that solution, but first let’s talk about…yard work.
Do you own a lawn mower? Even if you don't, just imagine you do...how often do you use it? At an absolute max, once to twice a week? Quite possibly far less during the winter months. Wouldn't it be better if you, and all your neighbors on your block, shared the same mower? You could split the cost for the mower itself, maintenance and so on. Don't even get us started on edgers, leaf blowers, weed whackers! You, and all your friends, would save without having multiple pieces of equipment sitting idle for the better part their existence. And further, if you’re sharing, maybe you spring for the slightly better mower that’ll last longer, will make the job easier for everyone and is far easier to afford due to sharing the cost.
Why not apply the same concept to logistics?
If you're a brand that is focused on growing, creating new products, and penetrating a market, you're most likely also paying very close attention to how you spend your precious resources (time and money). Hiring someone, or multiple people, full time to manage your logistics (both day to day and strategic) could be costly. That's especially so if you're in a growth phase with limited resources and potentially not enough initial volume to warrant a full time person.
Now for the solution to our previous question…the team at YourLogistics has spent their entire careers in the logistics industry. We work with clients of all sizes that have varying levels of logistics expertise and needs. Our clients benefit from both day to day and strategic support in any and all of the seven building blocks we shared. Our services provide them a cost-effective solution they need, when they need it, so that they can focus on their priority; successfully growing their business!
Thank you for reading, and keep an eye out for future articles! To learn more and discuss how we can support you, send us an email at hello@yourlogistics.us.