While this is not an exhaustive list, more than 90% of the violations issued by retailers will fall within one of these six categories. Every retailer is different in terms of the metrics used to measure performance, and also in the performance functions they actually track.
All this can sound pretty scary. You may even be re-thinking your decision to sell your product to certain retailers. You shouldn’t feel that way because there’s good news! With proper planning, process implementation, and partner selection, you can significantly mitigate your risk of retail compliance chargebacks. We believe there are three key steps, and to be honest, they’re pretty simple, yet many companies make the mistake of overlooking them.
The first step is picking up the routing guide and actually giving it a read. Yes, it’s long, but you’ve got to take the time to digest the information so you know what your retailer expects. We suggest building a matrix to better organize the routing guide of each of the retailers you ship to. The more organized and thorough you are, the better chance you have to meet all the requirements of servicing your customer.
Once you’ve built your knowledge of your retailer expectations, you’re going to need to develop processes to ensure you meet those expectations. Processes should be documented and gain buy-in from all stakeholders involved. A big mistake companies make is creating processes that are so complex that they inevitably aren’t followed. Our advice: keep it simple so it can be repeated time and time again.
Finally, and maybe the most important step, is to identify a great partner to help you. As a growing business, you have so much on your plate, and vendor compliance can be a huge distraction. We recommend partnering with a great 3PL or logistics provider that has expertise in this area and can guide you to success. You’re not in this alone!
Although vendor compliance can be a drain on your company’s profitability and time, it doesn’t have to be. With proper planning, execution, and partner selection, you will see your business thrive, and won’t skip a beat, as you add new retailers to your customer base.
Thank you for reading, and keep an eye out for Building Block #6: Accounting. Don’t forget to sign up below to receive these articles directly to your inbox!